Artist Statement

A few years ago I read a biography of  Jackson Pollack. In it he described Abstract Expressionism as the sub  conscience expressing itself. The connection between art/artists, creativity and the divine or greater creative spirit is the theme of  best selling writer/artist Julia Cameron in her book, "The Artist  Way." Later I ran into similar ideas in the study of the Zen Arts.  Fredric Lieberman in his thesis, "Zen Buddhism And Its Relationship to  Elements of Eastern And Western Arts," states:

"Oriental artists are not interested in a photographic representation of an object but in interpreting its spirits ."

This connection between art and the spirit, whether divine or just inner has fascinated me. This  leads me to wonder if my artistic practice is meditation. Has this been my practice all along in my studies of Abstract Expressionism, as  Jackson Pollack defined? It even goes much further than myself. By observing my work the viewer meditates on the piece as well. This makes a  converse from the viewer back through time to myself, at the time of  the art works creation.